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Tawa Tigers

 Wrestling is a sport for girls and boys of any age and ability.


Skills learned in the gym develop your child's  strength, stamina and fitness while building their confidence, self esteem and self awareness.


Wrestling develops self discipline, self belief and a positive, focused state of mind - creating success on and off the mat.


“Start young, finish strong”

Tawa Titans

Wrestling is a sport for women and men of any age and ability.


Skills learned in the gym build fitness, stamina and body confidencce and compliment many other sports and fitness regimens.


Wrestling is one of the most physically demanding sports in the world.


If you can wrestle, everything else is child's play!

complimentary training
Rugby, fitness, MMA

Wrestling is a great compliemt to other sports and fitness regimens.


The All Blacks use wrestling as part of their training and MMA (Mixed Martial Artist) athletes incorporate wrestling into their training and fitness schedules.


Wrestling will get you fit, keep you toned and make you strong enough to reach any goal.


Eating Well

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are the keys to optimum health.


Good nutrition teamed with sustained physical helps to maintain a healthy bodyweight and good cardio health.


Even beginner athletes need a balanced diet to support their muscle growth and fitness.


Our club promotes and supports healthy eating and weight maintenance as our wrestlers progress in the sport.

Code of conduct

Wrestling is a sport not a street fight, we pride ourselves on operating in a safe, disciplined and controlled manner.


However, wrestling is a combat sport. The main objective is to pin your opponent’s shoulders on the mat.


Points are scored by placing your opponent in positions of control, such as exposing their shoulders to the mat. There is no kicking, biting or punching and no going against the joint.


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